Meaning Gender blindness
What does Gender blindness mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Gender blindness. You can also add a definition of Gender blindness yourself


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Gender blindness

This term refers to the failure to recognize that the roles and responsibilities of men/boys and women/girls are assigned to them in specific social, cultural, economic, and political contexts and bac [..]


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Gender blindness

is the failure to recognize that the roles and responsibilities of men/boys and women/girls are given to them in specific social, cultural, economic and political contexts and backgrounds. Projects, programmes, policies and attitudes which are gender blind do not take into account these different roles and diverse needs, maintain the status quo and [..]


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Gender blindness

Gender-blindness refers to a failure to identify or acknowledge difference on the basis of gender where it is significant. It can be a person, policy, or an institution that does not recognize that ge [..]

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